SINCE 1970 ; ( From the time,when I first heard the song " TEACHER " from "İzmir Radio" ......Story began ) .. So ; My Experiences urged me to make this page to share this excitement with you .
This page is dedicated to >" JETHRO TULL "Of which I am still "Crazy Fan" ( 43 Years Old "Crazy Fan" from TURKEY / ISTANBUL )...... Bora Çetin , 02/03/1999
At the end, 9 years after I translate in English ( my bad English )..... 23.04.2008, 19:20
WHY JETHRO TULL ? ( How I Became a Jethro Tull Fan ? )
( With My BAD English ):
I remember my first Rockn'Roll music listennings from my uncle's records. The year of 1962 ( When I'm 5 years old. yes, I'm very early grown-up. I began to primary school-college from 2.nd class at 6 years old. ) In 1964, I'm really good music listener of my Uncle's twist, rock'n roll records.... ( Beatles "Please Please Me", Shadows "G. Hits" LP's and many of 45 rpm's ) Sametime, I'm a good RADIO Listener. I find many of european stations from our family classic "Tube-Radio" At the end of the 60's, I heard very interesting music from the radio. This is a well known classical Baroque piece ( Bach ) but performing pop rock style. ..... Noooo, this is not Jethro Tull ! ....... The group name is; "Los Chacos" and the piece name is; "Cecillienne" . I like Baroque music, I like Rock'n Roll and i like too much; "Cecillienne" .....
At the summer of 1970, I heard very-very good and interesting piece from Radio. Radio channel is "Izmir Radio" and the song is İncredible ! ...... yes it's Jethro Tull ... and the piece is; "Teacher" ..... but I don't no yet these informations, because I listened piece from the half. After one year, end of the 1971 first time I see and listen original Aqualung album from my friends-friend birthday party. The reason of my Pressurize, we listen Aqualung more times from battery-turntable pickup. At the end, I found MY GROUP !!!!! yes this is JETHRO TULL .... . In 1972, first TULL record print in Turkey and it's "Aqualung" . I'm a High School student, my father gives me a money 100 Turkish Lira for monthly. ( nearly 20 dolar ). At these years, the vinyl LP's price is 45 lira ( half of my monthly allowance ) So, I compile my close friend "Baha" for buying Aqualung half and half partnership. ( he pays 20 and I paid 25 lira .... so we listened LP perodically , i listened more than him from my turntable because, i paid more and i love Jethro Tull more than him. ! )
Same year, Thick As A Brick printed in Turkey. Woww, what a cover it is ? ( same newspaper cover like original ) and ..... what kind of a music like this ? DEEEPLY IMPRESSED ME ! ..... ( like everyone ) ..... I Listen "TAAB" many times of a day, I came back to school every day, i listen it .... I became a JETHRO TULL fan. I fallowed TULL news from HEY Magazine ( Turkish Music Magazine in 70's ) In 1973, new album comes. Yes, it's printed in Turkey and I buy it quickly, one of the first copies. When I put on my turntable, I really shocked !!!!...... After the "TAAB" albun, I DEPPLY,DEEPLY IMPRESSED from "A Passion Play" album ! ( still my favourite ) What kind an extraordinary, unexpected, excellent music is this ? I couldn't beleive my ears. I listen, maybe more than 10 times "APP", first day. This music is my music and I understand clearly, JETHRO TULL is my best group.
These years, European items imported in Turkey more easyly. Few orginal albums came and seems on record shops. But they are too expensive. I buy ( I gifted myself in my 17th birthday ) , USA print "LITP" album 250 lira in 1974. ( Still I'm student, i collected money from my fathers gives allowance ) ( For the collected record money, i couldn't go to cinema or patiserrie with my friends and I couldn't buy anything ). When I listened "LITP" album, surprise waiting me ! ..... I found my first Tull piece "Teacher" in LITP album and I learned it from "Benefit" album. In 1970's, POP magazine begin to imported Turkey. I followed specially Jethro Tull issues and buy them. In these years, my room walls are full of posters, sure; specially "Jethro Tull" posters !
In 1974, when I educated "Moran College High School", ı decided to found "Turkish Jethro Tull Fan Club". First members are my close friends ( we are come together and organised Tull albums listening parties in our homes ) and school friends. I remember, 14 names from my first fan club members. I send this news and promote this "Fan Club" organisation from the HEY magazine. This is my first idea and founding of "TULLTURK" in 70's. ( Maybe, this is the one of the first Jethro Tull Fan Club in the world ? )
Jethro Tull music became a lifestyle of me. I listen it; good times, bad times, unhappy times, happy times, when i study, when I fall in love, .....
In the middle of 70's, ... one weekend day ( maybe Satuırday ) when I get ready to go from the home, I heard a wellknown music from the TV. Yes, IAN ANDERSON and Jethro Tull are performing in our Black & White TV !!!!!! ..... Our one and only Turkish channel TRT Tv broadcast Jethro Tull performance....... I'm shocked, I'm couldn't beleivee my eyes and my ears ..... my group is making Live music in my home ! ... It's unforgettable surprise moments in my life ! ( This concert is historically MSG live ! )
In 1980's I married and began to work. I can buy Jethro Tull albums and other items so easyly. Still, I couldn't see my group performance live. ( more than B&W TV ) . When I learned "Slipstream" video is produce, quickly I ordered it to my friend who is visited London. When I watched the VHS video, it's very deeply impressed me again. Ian Anderson's concert performance, Martin's quietly but strongly guitar playing, "TOTRR" videoclip and others...... At the end, in the year of 1991, I meet with my group in Istanbul. Jethro Tull came in Turkey first time. In May, I spend my birthday ( day and night ) in to the ticket row for buying Tull concert tickets....... And the end ! ...First TULL Meeting in my life. In July 12, in the Hotel conferance saloon, I learned Jethro Tull makes a press-conferance. I take my little tape recorder, like a press-member ı go to the hotel. When ı enter the saloon door, ...... I Couldn't tell this feeling !!!! ...... Jethro Tull crew, Ian, Martin, Dave, Doane ...are far away from me few meters. I feel, I'm going die... my eyes are dark ...I hold on to a wall.... I decide to go to front row. I sit down and listen the press conferance. At the end, press members ask their questions..... I couldn't stopped myself and I ask Turkish ( the translator translate in english ) ; "Please tell them. I'm 35 years old. I'm an old Jethro Tull fan, I'm crazy listening them since 1970" ....... ( they laugh ) and IAN answer; " If he listen to Jethro Tull music since 1970, he must be REALLY CRAZY !!!! " .... ( and all saloon is laughing ) ..... ( You can listen this conversation from the click of the speaker logo, beginning of the page )......
Yes, this is the first meeting of Jethro Tull and Bora Cetin. 1991 concerts are diffrent and long story, after the concerts, our first special meet and conversation with IAN in hotel roof after the first concert night and others.... long long stories..... ( you can check TULLTURKEY pages ) Since 1991, every Turkey wisit, I meet Jethro Tull from the airport the end I farewell them from the airport.
At the end of 1990's, Internet is become to closer the world together. In 1998, I designed my first homepage and I make a Jethro Tull part in this page. After that, ı designed my first Jethro Tull page ( Please Check TULLPAGE ). This page is first one of the few Jethro Tull page in the Internet world. Theres no offical Tull page in the internet. In 1999, Offical Jethro Tull page is began to work and I decide to make new proffesional design of Turkish Page. ...... But, in August .... the Earthquake shakes my life ..... I lost my father ....... Theres a tragic story behind .... few days after the funeral .... postman gets my Amazon com order. ....... yesi Its a "Dot Com" album ! ....... I dedicated this album to my dear Father ...........
In 2000, Jethro Tull came in Turkey twice. I begin to design my Jethro Tull page more proffessionally. Many of the people send me a e-mail, and want to member of Turkish Fan Club. I designed new page and, came together all Turkish Jethro Tull fans in the site. This must be a AMATEUR site, it must be UNPROFFESSIONALLY ...and I did it.
2000 concert is great, concert stories and others .... long long stories..... ( you can check TULLTURKEY pages )
In 2004, very good news came from the Tull webmaster. They ( IAN ) decide to add "TULLTURK"page in to the offical Jethro Tull site ( Links part ) . It's a very, very honourable thing for me ..... this must be a gift of my Jethro Tull love. Thanks IAN, millions, millions thanks.
Now, I'm 51 years old, Ian is 61 and Jethro Tull is 40th ......... still I'm working amateurish with promoters, still I'm helping them ...... still I'm helping to promote the concerts, still I'm realised special Fan Club VIP ticket organisations, I'm produce special radio programmes, "Jethro Tull" series.....I'm helped to create new Jethro Tull Turkish book....... I'm living and working for Jethro Tull...... my home walls are full of signed Jethro Tull posters, photos ..... ( thanks to my wife ) ......
Please ask yourself ; how many Tullian you know, like me ?
To be Continue ........ ( With my BAD English ! ).......
Bora Cetin
( Old Crazy Fan )
23 April 2008, 20:10
Türkiye Radyolarında İLK JETHRO TULL DİZİSİ;
( BC Helped to Create second Turkish JT Book at 2000 ) :
Türkiye'de İlk ve Dünyada üçüncü kez yayınlanan ilk JETHRO TULL kitabından sonra, 2000 yılında ikinci kitabın hazırlıkları için arkadaşı Orhan Kahyaoğlu ile birlikte biraraya gelen Bora Çetin, büyük emek harcadığı bu ikinci kitap için, Dünya da ilk kez yayınlanan listelerin dışında birçok konuda yardımcı oldu.
How Bora Cetin helped to prepare new Turkish Jethro Tull book August 2000 ? Book photos, many kind of articles, news, cover photos....and many other things.
( TULL Articles by BC at HE Magazine ) :
Türkiye'de İlk kez JETHRO TULL için, bu kadar geniş kapsamlı dergi yazısı hazırlandı. Bora Çetin; aylık yazılarının yayınlanmakta olduğu "Home Electronics" HE dergis'nini Şubat 2004 sayısını Jethro Tull'a ayırdı. Aynı yıl gerçekleşen İstanbul ve Çeşme konserleri ile ilgili ayrıntılı yazı da tam 10 sayfa olarak Ekim 2004 sayısında yer aldı. Bu kadar geniş kapsamlı Jethro Tull yazıları, Türk basınında ilk kez yayınlandı.
Bora Cetin's Jethro Tull articles published in 2004. First time in Turkey like these long and detailed articles publishing. Bora Cetin writes İstanbul and Çeşme concerts reviews on HE February and October issues. More than 15 pages articles are first time in Turkey.
Aktuel Dergisindeki TULLTURK Söyleşisi;
( Special Interview with BC / TULLTURK at Aktuel Magazine ) :
AKTUEL Dergisi, 2006 yılının ilk sayısı'nın 3 sayfasını JETHRO TULL ve BORA CETIN'e ayırdı. Bora Çetin'in Jethro Tull düşkünlüğü ve TULLTURK Fan Klübü'nün öyküsü 3 sayfa'da yer aldı.
Weekly ( 500.000 sales - not sales, but its's free promo magazine with SABAH newspapers Sunday issue ) "Aktuel Magazine" interview with Bora Cetin's Jethro Tull interest. Its only and lonely "spesific" articles about Jethro Tull & BC in Turkey. Published in January 2006.
Crazy Fan Page Since March 1999
Last Update ; 11 Mayıs ( May ) 2016, 20:58